Do you remember the first time you saw goatse? or how about tubgirl?  If you do, and you probably do, Do you remember what your face looked like? Did you smile? did you throw up? did you cover your face and run away crying?

                       Well that brings me to your introduction to "The Wahoo Project"

"The Wahoo Project" is something started by me (Teh Parts/Wackymarv), and my good friend (Beastro). You might say this is a study into the reactions of people, or if you're like me, you want to call it "Funny Shit".

  Random Subject

Click image to see the others!

Site News: Wed 12/08/04 - 5:10pm PST

Hoorj for me, First Update in a long time and its a biggy, over 300 new pics. Some I believe are instant classics


Teh Parts/Wackymarv (Projekt Manager, Cite Maintainer)

Beastro/Cockinbum (Ko-Manager, Taker of l33t f0t0)

What we do in the project is get people to let us see their webcams, then we make some small talk, and once they ask to see our pics, we load up with some links to gross pictures and deploy them upon the subject, The resulting screen shots are both funny and amusing.

 They also help us to study human reaction! Wow this project is helping the world in so many ways!

Below is the link to the reaction pics